Right UnderstandingRight Understanding M 62 also called Right View M 9 M 77 which is the forerunner of the entire path, the guide for all the other factors. Right View M 9 M 77 is the understanding of the Four Noble Truths: Suffering, Cause of Suffering, Cessation of Suffering and Noble Eightfold Path. Primarily there are two, external and internal, factors conducive to Right Understanding M 62. They are:
It is stated that when one understands that body, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness (5 aggregates) are impermanent, he is led to Right Understanding M 62. The knowledge of this stage is called ‘knowing accordingly’ (anubodha), because the understanding at this stage is still mundane. Right Understanding M 62 and not yet free from defilements. This is developed by ordinary worldlings. The Supra-mundane stage of Right Understanding M 62 appears only when one realises one or the other of the four stages of sainthood: Stream-winning, Once-returning, Non-returning and Arahanthood. This is only achieved by the Noble Ones (ariyapuggala). This stage of understanding is at the highest level and unshakable.
Four Noble Truths Ten Kinds Of Immorality Ten Meritorious Deeds Three Universal Characteristics Ten Fetters Noble Ones Dependent Origination 開悟 |